Plastic draft Anti-corrosion and anti-acid and alkali oblique flow fan Damper Butterfly Damper Valve |Xicheng

Plastic draft Anti-corrosion and anti-acid and alkali oblique flow fan Damper Butterfly Damper Valve |Xicheng


simplePlastic draft Anti-corrosion and anti-acid and alkali oblique flow fan Damper Butterfly Damper Valve |Xicheng


Uses and characteristics of electric air volume control valve

This valve is made of the same material as the valve body and processed into a sealing ring, which adopts electric or pneumatic transmission. The applicable temperature depends on the material selection of the valve body, and the nominal pressure is ??0.6MPa. Generally, it is suitable for industrial, metallurgical, environmental protection, and other pipelines for ventilation and media flow adjustment. Its main features are:

1. Novel and sound design, unique structure, lightweight, and rapid opening and closing.

2. Small operating torque, convenient operation, labor-saving and dexterous.

6. Use suitable materials to meet the requirements of low, medium and high medium temperatures and corrosive mediums.

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